First, this week, I spotted a sheet weaver in our back garden. I’m sure it’s a new species to arrive there, as I had to google the beautiful spider hiding in the undergrowth. Then, yesterday morning, I noticed that for the very first time, we have a nest of tits in our birdhouse. It’s either a nest of coal tits or – more likely – great tits. I don’t see their parents much, and I’m not yet a proficient bird watcher.
#90 Flight
#90 Flight
#90 Flight
First, this week, I spotted a sheet weaver in our back garden. I’m sure it’s a new species to arrive there, as I had to google the beautiful spider hiding in the undergrowth. Then, yesterday morning, I noticed that for the very first time, we have a nest of tits in our birdhouse. It’s either a nest of coal tits or – more likely – great tits. I don’t see their parents much, and I’m not yet a proficient bird watcher.